
Gift Idea

This week is teacher appreciation week at my kids school. I wanted to make something for them to thank them for their long hours and well frankly for putting up with my two boys all year. As I was walking around the craft store the other day, I ran across some plain, white metal boxes and this is what I ended up doing with them. We put some hand sanitizer, chocolates, and a thank you letter from the boys in each box.

They were easy and fun to put together. All you need are the metal boxes, some scrapbooking paper, embellishments of your choice, and some ribbon. (I had all of this, except the boxes which cost me around $8.00 for the two (I had a 40% off coupon).

Teacher Gift Idea

This is a great inexpensive gift for any teacher. In my preschool classroom, I use hand sanitizer all the time. In fact I have the extra, extra large bottle of it. All you have to do is find the clear bottles of hand sanitizer and tear off the labels. You can get the sticky stuff of with some Goo-Be-Gone.

For the decorating of it, I used rub on stickers and some ribbon that I had lying around in my scrapbook stuff. You could use whatever you'd like. You could also add a tag of some sorts to it also. Here's the finished product. Easy, fun, inexpensive, and a gift that any teacher would like.

End of Year Gifts

Yep, it's another teacher gift, but really could be for anyone. I saw this idea on another site and thought what a great and easy end of year gift for my boys teachers. These are eye gel masks that you can pick up at Bath and Body works for $3.00. Super easy and fun! Find more ideas here and here.